Solutions for improving food production systems NameAreas of researchDescriptionBenjamin Bachdata visualizationdata sciencepublic engagementWorking on data visualization and making data accessible and understandable by experts and non-experts. Data visualization is essential in understanding complex processes and data sets. Especially, techniques from storytelling and visual communication have huge potential to communicate findings and information to large and diverse audiences. Nicholle Bellenvironmental adaptationnatural capitaltechnologies for environmental monitoringApplying advanced analytical technologies to understanding how peatlands, Earth's largest terrestrial carbon store, adapt to human activities and climate change. Many believe peatlands store carbon due to the antimicrobial properties of certain molecules, however until now our ability to 'see' inside peat has been hindered by the fact that peat is the most complex mixture on Earth.Simone Dimartinobioprocessingadsorption technologiesadditive manufacturingBroadly interested in adsorption technologies for applications ranging from manufacture of new healthcare products and foodstuff to CO2 capture.Appolinaire Djikengtropical livestockgenetic improvementsmallholder farmers Director of the Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health (CTLGH). Duncanpastoral livelihoodslivestock systems climate uncertaintyLeads the Jameel Observatory for Food Security Early Action for University of Edinburgh. The Observatory is focused use of early warning technologies to better prepare for drought in East Africa. It's goals are to enhance wellbeing and reduce hunger among East African pastoral communities.Sian Henley ocean sciencepolar regionsocean governanceFocussed on making ocean science more sustainable and employing science to make human use of our fragile oceans more sustainable. Also interested in ocean science and observations to underpin effective evidence-based decision-making for ocean governance, policy and management to protect and restore them.Alex Hutchisondata & AI for goodclimate changeresponsible innovationThe Data for Children Collaborative with UNICEF is a joint partnership between UNICEF, The Scottish Government and the University of Edinburgh’s Data Driven Innovation Programme which seeks to enable improvement in outcomes for every child. We draw on the strengths of our partners and their network to bring insight and solve problems using data and responsible innovative data practices, with a focus on delivering against the Sustainable Development Goals. Our mission is to provide the platform that brings together the appropriate data and expertise to answer our challenge questions for children across a variety of themes and geographies.Susan Jarvis sustainable Food systemsagritechanimal welfare science Interested in Sustainable Food Systems, and in particular the role of animal welfare science to ensure sustainable and socially acceptable food production systems. Leads the delivery of UG programmes and courses in Global Agriculture and Food Security, as well as the DDI Agritech Talent programme aimed at upskilling learners in data science and technology relevant to sustainable food systems. Marc Krautzbergerrenewable energytechnological solutions to manage the nexus between climate change and povertysocial science and policyInterested in how policymakers and firms manage competing demands (e.g. economic vs. environmental goals) in the process of developing and providing technological solutions in response to societal challenges.Gary LoakebiotechnologyagritechnologyInterested in cultured plant cells as sustainable biomanufacturing platforms for high value chemicals, and sustainable solutions for crop protection. Dimitri Mignardwater-energy-food nexusagritechnologydesalinationTechnologies for irrigation, desalination and energy access, assisting with access to clean water, food production and reforestation, all using clean energy, and dedicated to serve poor communities in low income countries. Andrew Millarscience policybiotechnologyInterested in systems thinking, open research practices and science policy for partnerships, and potentially to biotechnology for a circular economy in industry, food and health. Dominic Moranenvironmental, agricultural and food systems economicsInterested in definitions and metrics of sustainability, economic appraisal of technological options using non-market valuation, and behavioral and political appraisal of technology adoption. Adrian Muwonge digital health and agrictechDevelop tools to support Agriculture and Public health in LMICsDiego Oyarzúnbiotechnologysynthetic biologyAI data scienceComputational modelling and data science for better biotech solutions to global sustainability challenges.Bart PanderAutotrophic biotechnology businessInterested in non-photosynthetic autotrophic microbiology and biotechnology.Carys Redman-Whiteone healthmodellingsocial sciences & policyModelling antimicrobial use and resistance at the livestock-human interface in LMICs, with the aim of contributing to policy guidance for increased food security and health of livestock-keepers in LMICs as well as long-term global sustainability of antimicrobial drugs.Lynne Reganbiotechnologyagritechnologyhuman health Expertise in biomaterials, such as hydrogels, made exclusively from recombinant proteins produced by bacteria. This method contrasts with those that use petrochemically derived components to synthesise such materials. Christian Schnierveterinary health, internet of thingsSEBI livestock ( closely works with the Gates foundation to mobilise and improve data and evidence to help the livestock community make better investments that improve livelihoods for smallholders in low and middle-income countries.Joyce Taitlife science innovationpolicy and regulationresponsible innovationFocus on genetic technology solutions to challenges relevant to Net Zero and biodiversity policy objectives, considering: development of business models and value chains for innovative technologies; regulatory systems, standards and guidelines and how they can support of constrain innovation. Christopher WoodbiotechnologyAIbioinformaticsDeveloping new methods for protein design. We collaborate broadly to apply our methods to address challenges in sustainability, both in agriculture and industry. We have a particular interest in developing protein-based sensors as well as novel enzymes that incorporate unnatural cofactors to expand their chemistry. This article was published on 2024-10-15