SDG 6: Clean Water & Sanitation

Improving access and quality of water infrastructure

NameAreas of researchDescription
Benjamin Bach

data visualization

data science

public engagement

Working on data visualization and making data accessible and understandable by experts and non-experts. Data visualization is essential in understanding complex processes and data sets. Especially, techniques from storytelling and visual communication have huge potential to communicate findings and information to large and diverse audiences. 
Nicholle Bell

environmental adaptation

natural capital

technologies for environmental monitoring

Applying advanced analytical technologies  to understanding how peatlands, Earth's largest terrestrial carbon store, adapt to human activities and climate change. Many believe peatlands store carbon due to the antimicrobial properties of certain molecules, however until now our ability to 'see' inside peat has been hindered by the fact that peat is the most complex mixture on Earth.
Dr-Efthalia Chatzisymeon

environmental engineering

water and wastewater treatment

environmental sustainability

Development of sustainable technologies for water and wastewater treatment; life cycle assessment of environmental processes and technologies.
Charles Cockell




Interested in sustainable biotechnology in space to support human space exploration.
Michael Cowley


discovering new chemistry for a sustainable society 

Working on the chemistry of the most abundant metals in the Earth’s crust - aluminium and silicon - to provide synthetic methods to prepare bulk and fine chemicals with lower energy costs and without reliance on limited reserves of precious metals.
Maria Grazia De Angelis

environmental protection

biomedical applications

clean energy

sustainable materials

Membranes for greenhouse gas emission reduction, sustainable materials for packaging and other applications, and development of low water, accessible and inclusive  hemodialysis processes.
Simone Dimartino


adsorption technologies

additive manufacturing

Broadly interested in adsorption technologies for applications ranging from manufacture of new healthcare products and foodstuff to CO2 capture.
Victor Elvira

data science

statistical modeling

signal processing

Mathematical modeling and inference are essential to deal with data-driven applications for sustainable policies/solutions.
Andrew Free


anti-microbial resistance

biogeochemical cycling

Interested in the application of microbial communities to bioremediation, sustainable waste treatment and energy generation from waste. We also have interests in the evolution and spread of antimicrobial resistance and approaches to tackling it.
Raja Ganeshramenvironmental adaptationMost of current reaserach is on Arctic climate change through NERC's Changing Arctic Ocean  programme. specifically looking at biogeochemical and ecological impact of Arctic Climate change.
Bjarnhedinn Gudlaugsson

energy transition

renewable energy

energy policy

Understanding decisions and policies in the context of the energy transition, energy system and policy implementation to provide practical information and support policy-making. 
Aliakbar Hassanpouryouzband

sustainable chemistry

renewable energy


Development of tools to enable hydrogen as a low-cabon energy pathway, and the use of sustainable chemistry technologies such as climate engineering, water desalination, gas storage, cold energy storage, etc.
Louise Holyoake

synthetic biology


Interested in Synthetic Biology and how it can be utilised to create sustainable solutions.
Louise Horsfall

sustainable biotechnology

resource efficiency

synthetic biology

Translating academic research into novel industrially-usable platforms for the sustainable production of scientifically improved enzymes, bio-based chemicals and other bio-derived materials by exploiting new analytical and bio-based technologies. Our disruptive innovations will lead to the development of unique and sustainable new products, derived from wastes and by-products, and demonstration of their cost-efficient and energy-saving production using novel biomanufacturing technologies.
Alex Hutchison

data & AI for good

climate change

responsible innovation

The Data for Children Collaborative with UNICEF is a joint partnership between UNICEF, The Scottish Government and the University of Edinburgh’s Data Driven Innovation Programme which seeks to enable improvement in outcomes for every child. We draw on the strengths of our partners and their network to bring insight and solve problems using data and responsible innovative data practices, with a focus on delivering against the Sustainable Development Goals. Our mission is to provide the platform that brings together the appropriate data and expertise to answer our challenge questions for children across a variety of themes and geographies.
Susan Jarvis 

sustainable Food systems


 animal welfare science

Interested in Sustainable Food Systems, and in particular the role of animal welfare science to ensure sustainable and socially acceptable food production systems. Leads the delivery of UG programmes and courses in Global Agriculture and Food Security, as well as the DDI Agritech Talent programme aimed at upskilling learners in data science and technology relevant to sustainable food systems.  
Caroline Kirk

environmental remediation

green energy storage 

Materials chemistry solutions for environmental issues using low cost and sustainable methods. This includes innovative and novel approaches for remediation of potentially toxic elements, developing new materials for applications in green energy storage and production of sustainable and low carbon cements.
Sam Lau

chemical separations


polymer science

Interested in recycling plastic waste into polymer membranes and microporous polymers for chemical separations. We also deploy Green Chemistry principles to make these materials by deploying green solvents and biorenewable materials.
Wei Li

environmental remediation

greenhouse gas removal

clean air

net zero

Development of low energy solutions for multiple greenhouse gases removal at the climatically relevant scale to enable a transition to a net greenhouse gas neutral future. 
Dimitri Mignard

water-energy-food nexus



Technologies for irrigation, desalination and energy access, assisting with access to clean water, food production and reforestation, all using clean energy, and dedicated to serve poor communities in low income countries. 
Diego Oyarzún


synthetic biology


data science

Computational modelling and data science for better biotech solutions to global sustainability challenges.
Symon Podilchak 




Working on a UoE spinout which deals with AI and RF solutions for recycling.
Judy Robertsondata literacyAcademic lead for Data Education in Schools. We're looking for researchers who work on sustainability themes using data who might want to explain their work to school children. Our seminar series for teachers is themed around the sustainability goals this year.
Neil Robertson

drinking water



Expertise in materials chemistry for application in low-cost solar photovoltaics, and electrical energy storage via batteries and supercapacitors. We also work on photocatalytic water treatment for rural communities in India, which would also be applicable to similar communities around the world. This is focused on villages where untreated surface water is currently being consumed.
Susan Rosser

engineering biology



Expertise in engineering biology approaches to engineer cells to perform novel functions e.g. build pathways for the production of biosurfactants, develop enzymes for cold water cleaning and new ways for biology to build things in general. My research is also focused on developing cell and gene therapies that are cheaper, more effective and widely available.
Michael RovatsosAI and its application to sustainabilityFocus on AI algorithms that can support the development of technologies supporting fairness, equality, and social justice. As part of my role at the intersection of research and innovation, I am also interested in many other areas of sustainability where AI and data science can be applied.
Rosa Santomartino

space microbiology


space biomanufacturing

Building a sustainable future for space exploration, by developing microbial biotechnologies which will implement circular economy for life support systems. 
Giulio Santorinegative emission technologies, energy Development of negative-emission engineering devices.
Sean Smith

net zero

future infrastructure

construction technology

Delivery of net zero pathways, backcasting for green economy skills and construction innovation for future infrastructure.
Joyce Tait

life science innovation

policy and regulation

responsible innovation

Focus on genetic technology solutions to challenges relevant to Net Zero and biodiversity policy objectives, considering: development of business models and value chains for innovative technologies; regulatory systems, standards and guidelines and how they can support of constrain innovation.